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Christine Brennan

Dr. Christine Brennan smiling in front of stairs


Christine Brennan

Supports New Doctors In: OR, WA

Fun Fact/Favorite Hobby: I love to drive, and that’s a good thing because my wife lives 3 hours away from me. We alternate weekends driving to see one another. When you put that much effort and time into seeing your spouse you make every moment count! I love projects of all kinds. From beautifying a reclaimed item, building Ikea furniture, yardwork or home improvement, projects are my happy place.

Vet School: Oregon State University

Advice for new grads: Just because it’s scary at first, doesn’t mean you won’t love it! Funniest Client Experience: I saw a 15-year-old Scottie that was known to be aggressive toward anyone approaching his face for any reason. His owner warned me not to get too close the instant I walked into the room, but I wouldn’t have wanted to anyway because the odor emanating from his dog’s face was toxic. Long story short, he ended up needing full mouth extractions, but on his recheck visit 2 weeks post-surgery he came bounding into the hospital, jumped up into my lap and licked my face! His owner actually asked if we could undo the procedure because he was acting like an unruly 5 year old again!

“Building confidence is at the heart of good mentorship. You can help someone grow as a professional in a myriad of ways, the key is to find out what they need most.”